For Emergency dial 1 9 2
Died in a line of duty on July 5th 2014.
Police Officer
Grubac (34) was driving a van, which he and two colleagues set off for Novi Pazar in the early morning hours to hand over Bahtijarevic, 46, to the local police, when they were arrested in Subotica on a warrant issued by the Novi Pazar court.
Ivic has a crushed lower leg, he was operated on for several hours and we are trying to save his leg. Jankovic has multiple fractures. He will be transferred to Belgrade for treatment by helicopter - Zvonko Veselinovic, director of the Health Center "Studenica" from Kraljevo, told "Blic".
For now, it is suspected that Grubac fell asleep behind the wheel of the van and turned sharply to the left. At that moment, he directly hit the truck "Man", owned by "Company Road" from Novi Pazar, which was operated by Novi Pazar R. M. (34).
The van suddenly turned left for no reason and hit the truck. The Police van was moving as much as the limit on the road, about 60 kilometers per hour. They drove quite normally, because I followed them for about five or six kilometers. I don't know if the cause is the driver's drowsiness - Milovan Pavlovic from Usce, who was in the convoy of vehicles behind the police van, told "Blic".
Source: Blic.
The memorial tournament was organized by the Police Administration in honor of the deceased police officer Damir Grubac. The teams consisted of police stations and guests from Conoplje, the "Tepkos" team, from where the deceased policeman was, as well as the host team of the "Arena" field, where the tournament was held.
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