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High-tech Crime Tips


Computer Related Crime

High-tech crime includes a set of criminal offenses where computers, computer networks, computer data, as well as their products in material and electronic form appear as an object of execution and as a means of committing a criminal offense.

This definition includes a large number of abuses of information technologies, as well as the area of ​​abuses in broadcasting technologies. Thus, there are different crimes where computers appear as a means of execution (Computer Related Crime) and as an object of execution (Computer Crime), as well as crimes in the manner of which elements of illegal use of the Internet appear.

The number and types of crimes in the field of high-tech crime, as well as the economic damage caused by the commission of these crimes, are very difficult to estimate. However, the number of crimes committed and the economic damage that has been registered so far from year to year is constantly increasing. The ways of committing crimes, due to the very nature of modern information technologies, are very diverse and increasingly sophisticated.


Your kids may know more about technology than you do, but you know more about life.

They should, in this area as well, learn from you how to use computers safely.

Crimes Involving High-tech Crime

High-tech crime includes a set of crimes against computer data security:

  • Damage to computer data and programs;
  • Computer sabotage;
  • Creation and introduction of computer viruses;
  • Computer fraud;
  • Unauthorized access to a secure computer, computer network and electronic data processing;
  • Preventing and restricting access to the public computer network and
  • Unauthorized use of a computer or computer network.

In addition to the aforementioned criminal offenses, this area also includes criminal offenses against intellectual property, property and legal transactions in which computers, computer networks, computer data, as well as their products in material or electronic form appear as objects or means of committing criminal offenses.

In accordance with this legal definition, the field of high-tech crime also includes criminal offenses where computers and computer networks appear as a means of committing criminal offenses of fraud, abuse of payment cards on the Internet, abuse of e-commerce and banking, abuse of children for pornographic purposes on the Internet (so-called child pornography), hate speech on the Internet (spreading national, racial, religious hatred and intolerance, etc.).

The most common forms of committing crimes on the Internet are computer fraud related to auction websites (electronic stores), compromise and misuse of payment cards, "Nigerian" fraud, DDoS attacks.

Useful Tips for Protecting Your Computer

  1. Always keep your security program on your computer turned on. This type of computer program protects your computer from attempted criminals accessing your computer system, damaging or deleting your data, stealing usernames and passwords, or other sensitive information.
  2. Install and always update the antivirus program on your computer. The function of antivirus programs is to prevent computer viruses from entering users' computer systems. If they detect their presence, they alert the user, or delete them automatically. Computer viruses can infect a computer without the user's knowledge. Many antivirus programs can be set to update automatically.
  3. Update the operating system on your computer. The operating systems installed on the computer need to be updated to keep up with the development of technology, and to detect and eliminate security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Make sure your computer has the latest protection.
  4. Be careful when downloading, ie downloading various content from the Internet to your computer. Some content on the Internet is designed and created by perpetrators of criminal acts so that they can bypass the most modern antivirus protection. Never open e-mail attachments that you have received from people you do not know, and be careful when you receive messages that contain content that someone you know sends to you. It is possible that the sender, when you know him, is not even aware of what is attached to the message he forwarded to you.
  5. Shut down your computer when you are not around.
  6. With the increase in the large number of high-speed internet connections, many users have become accustomed to leaving their computers on and ready to work at any time. By shutting down the computer, the perpetrators of criminal acts are prevented from taking control of its work if it is infected with a computer virus. This way you avoid becoming a victim of abuse (such as becoming part of a botnet without your knowledge and consent).

Identity Theft

Identity theft through the misuse of information technology has become one of the most common activities of perpetrators of criminal acts with the expansion of the use of the Internet. The use of information technology by users who are not sufficiently aware of the dangers that await them when using personal data that make up their identity on the Internet, has led to the creation of a large amount of personal data that is easily accessible to perpetrators.


Content such as keygene, crack and many others that can be downloaded for free from the Internet are very often infected with some type of malware, and sometimes behind their installation is actually hidden malware itself, which the user who "downloaded" it from the Internet does not knowing what it's all about, thus unknowingly compromising your computer.

Useful Instructions for Protecting Your Personal Data

  1. Before you pass on information about yourself to anyone, find out how it will be used and whether and to whom it will be passed on by the recipient.
  2. If you make payments online, you regularly check the balance on your account, take care of which website you are logging in to, its appearance and the security protocols used on those pages.
  3. Take care of your email that you forwarded as well as the one you receive. Don't reply to SPAM messages if you're not sure you know the sender, as these are mostly risky messages designed to compromise your computer or use social engineering methods to access your personal and other information relevant to perpetrators.
  4. Store data from your payment cards, data on your bank and other accounts and avoid using personal data on the Internet such as, for example, date of birth, telephone number, etc.
  5. Do not give information about yourself over the phone, via e-mail or on Internet services if you are unsure or do not know who you are communicating with.
  6. Store information in electronic form in a safe place, and if possible, on devices without an Internet connection or on removable storage media (USB, portable hard disk, etc.).
  7. Passwords for electronic mail accounts, etc., should never be stored automatically in the input fields.
  8. When downloading from the Internet, be careful about what data you leave during registration, as this data is very often collected by perpetrators in this way for their further misuse (it is very common that data is collected on Internet sites with pornographic content that is under the control of perpetrators of criminal acts, with Internet sites through which you can download various entertaining multimedia content such as computer games, etc.).
  9. Whenever possible, avoid posting your photos on the Internet that may be publicly available to other users, without the possibility of control.

Tips for Parents

Regardless of your experiences and attitudes, children and young people inevitably come into contact with computers and communication technologies. Informatics is also a part of the school program. It is important to know that your children will use computer technology and that it is difficult and even harmful for their development to ban them from using mobile phones, computers and the Internet.

Experience shows that parental supervision and monitoring of children's activities on the Internet are an important step in the protection of children and youth, but also that this type of protection alone is not enough.

Parents are not in a position to constantly monitor their children's activity on the Internet. Children need to be taught to use computers in a safe way, not to "take them by the hand". Just as we teach children how to deal with disturbing and unpleasant events in everyday life and how to recognize and avoid danger on the street and in their surroundings. It is important to teach them how to use the Internet safely and how to recognize the potential dangers and avoid risky behaviors, and to teach children and young people about taking responsibility for their behavior and the consequences of certain actions, which affect themselves and others. in contact.

It is necessary to respect their independence, interests and activities in accordance with their age, as well as to use messages adapted to their age. Chat, blog, forum and similar places on the Internet, where children and young people can exchange opinions and communicate, are very popular, and therefore they are attractive to people who want to abuse their trust on the Internet. Peer abuse most often includes threatening messages, insults and spreading rumors, blackmail that one or more children send to another child.

Adult abuse most often involves misrepresentation and manipulation in order to persuade children and young people to induce unwanted behaviors (usually sexual).

If you find out that your child has been exposed to violence online, you need to take the following steps:

  • teach the child not to respond to violent, threatening or any other suspicious messages and calls;
  • do not delete messages or images as they may serve as evidence;
  • contact your ISP and report that you have received such a message;
  • contact the school and inform them about the child's behavior / abuse or possible changes in mood and behavior;
  • contact the police if the messages contain threats of violence, stalking, harassment, child pornography, etc., or when the previous steps have not yielded results;
  • if you know the identity of the perpetrator, the number or e-mail address from which the disturbing and malicious messages were sent, be sure to inform the police, mobile operators, internet providers, school

You should talk to your children about computer ethics, agree on rules of conduct on the Internet and most importantly, define the consequences of violating those rules.


Photo of the Month


Contact Information

Police Station Rakovica

Patrijarha Joanikija 30,
Rakovica, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: 011 745 2422