For Emergency dial 1 9 2
Photo credit: Image by Ministry of Interior Serbia. Traffic police". This image is neither created nor endorsed by Ministry of Interior in any way. Ministry of Interior Serbia do not endorse me and/or my use of the work in any way.
The staffing plan is developed in order to determine the staffing needs of the Ministry, in relation to the number of total vacancies. Personnel needs are expressed in accordance with the strategic goals of the Ministry. The staffing plan is adopted every year, is harmonized with the established budget possibilities, and is the basis for recruitment and selection activities. Good personnel planning ensures the employment of the desired profile of a police officer in an appropriate position.
The competition is announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, depending on the needs of individual regional police administrations and other organizational units of the Police Directorate, in accordance with the personnel plan.
There is no established date for announcing the competition.
Information about the competition is announced through some of the printed and electronic media, which are issued, ie broadcast on the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia, and the competition is also published on the official website of the Ministry. Those interested can also be informed about the announcement of the competition in the regional police administrations and police stations.
The competition contains:
The Decree on Professional Training and Development in the Ministry of the Interior ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 42 of May 4, 2017, 56 of July 18, 2018, 34 of May 17, 2019) stipulates that the right to participate in the competition has a person who meets the following conditions:
Notwithstanding paragraph 1, item 3) of this Article, the right to participate in the competition has a graduate student of the KPU who is not more than 27 years old.
After announcing the competition and publishing it in the media, interested candidates can download the application form and apply for the competition, at the regional police administration or police station, in their place of residence.
The application form can be downloaded from the organizational unit of the Ministry of the Interior, or from the internet address
The following documents are attached to the application:
The interested parties must submit the applications with the necessary documents, within the deadline prescribed by the competition (usually 30 days from the day of announcing the competition), at the nearest police station or regional police administration for which the competition was announced.
When will the competition for enrollment in the basic training of members of fire and rescue units be announced?
The competition is announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, depending on the needs of the organizational units of the Sector for Emergency Situations for the admission of participants to the basic training of members of fire and rescue units.
The decision on the number of course participants, at the proposal of the organizational unit responsible for human resources, is made by the Minister of the Interior in accordance with the personnel plan.
There is no established date for announcing the competition.
The competition announcement is published in the media. Those interested can also be informed about the announcement of the competition in the regional police administrations and police stations.
There is no established date for announcing the competition.
The competition contains:
The right to participate in the competition has a person who meets the following conditions:
After announcing the competition and publishing it in the media, interested candidates can download the application form and apply for the competition, at the regional police administration or police station, in their place of residence.
The application form can be downloaded from the organizational unit of the Ministry of the Interior, or from the internet address
The following documents are attached to the application:
Note: The right to participate has a person who has a valid national driver's license to drive a motor vehicle "B" category, and did not pass the driving test "C" category, with the obligation to pass it within 1.5 years from the date of completion of basic training fire and rescue units.
Applicants must submit applications with the necessary documents, within the deadline prescribed by the competition (usually 15 days from the day of announcing the competition), at the nearest police station or regional police administration on whose territory the organizational unit for which the competition was announced is located.
The training and qualification of persons (hereinafter: the candidate) as well as taking the professional exam is conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter: the Ministry).
The Ministry organizes professional training of candidates for inspector jobs at least twice a year, in the first and second half of the year.
The Ministry publishes the dates for the training and the place of the training on its website or will otherwise make them available to the candidates.
The candidate submits the application for attending the training and qualification for performing inspector work to the Ministry through the competent police administration at the place of residence.
Along with the application for attending the training, the candidate encloses:
Candidate training is conducted through lectures and exercises according to the established program, and is performed theoretically, practically and in another appropriate way and according to the plan and place determined by the Ministry.