It's happened to all of us. Peacefully driving along in the family car, and from out of nowhere there's a fire engine or ambulance in your rearview mirror. What happens next can be smooth and easy, or confusing and disastrous. State law says motorists must yield the right of way, pull over to the right as far as possible and stop, allowing the emergency vehicle to pass. Well, that's easy to say but hard to do, especially in heavy traffic. If you can't get to the right of the road, stay where you are and let the emergency vehicles drive around you. Whatever you do, don't jeopardize anyone else's safety, and don't panic. Many times emergency vehicles travel in groups, and not necessarily from the same direction. So if you have just gotten out of the way for one emergency vehicle, expect to see another unit.
Haleyville Fire/Rescue
1900 12th Ave
Haleyville, AL 35565